My little story of business resiliency - Part 3

Oct 20, 2023

The offer


Throughout the franchisee operator selection process, John detects in me a strong passion, excellent sales skills, and a very organized spirit, conducive to a promising management role.


He tells me I stand out among the twenty candidates for the local territory as the strongest one, despite my young age and relative inexperience.  But it's a long shot, and another, more mature candidate is also up there.


Just before the holidays, I receive his call.


“David, if you had the franchise for the coming summer, how much effort would you put into it?”  He asks me in a dubious and severe tone.


“I would give it my life!  In fact, from a very young age, I had imagined running my own business, reading books on business excellence, and listening to tapes on self-development.  I even invented business scenarios with my Monopoly game. I'm ready to go!”


After a few seconds of silence.  John says:


“I’ve decided to follow my instincts... I want to offer you the territory for the Student Painters franchise for the summer of '91.  If you accept, training begins in two weeks.” 


I'm flabbergasted.  John, a stranger, sees in me what no one else ever has, no even my diminutive mother.  I can't believe what I'm hearing! 


I catch my breath, accept his offer excitedly, and reassure him that he won't be disappointed.  I was going to kick ass in the student residential painting business!  John laughs heartily and congratulates me because I have just accepted his offer as the youngest Canadian franchisee under the Student Painting banner.  I thank him with tears in my eyes and hang up the phone.


Maybe my mother was wrong after all?


I'm excited, but suddenly, I'm scared of the next step.  I must talk to him about this. 


Since I'm not even of age yet, my mother must approve the franchise agreement.


What will she say; and more importantly, will she approve? 

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