My little story of business resiliency - Part 1

Oct 06, 2023

From dream to nightmare


I'm confused.


I am familiar with the musty smell and the contiguous space I find myself in.  Yet, as I barely come out of a deep sleep, the surrounding darkness disorients me.


Where am I?


I hear knocking at my window.  As the diffused noise gets more precise, the knocking becomes almost high-pitched.


"David, David!"


Someone is calling me.


I turn my head to the left.  Suddenly, Patrick's face, one of my painters, appears.  I don't understand what he is saying.  I must be dreaming.


Then, it all clicks.


I'm in my car. I'm sleeping. It's boiling hot, yet I'm shivering.


I had been sleeping in my car at night recently, being "persona non grata" in the family home.


My painter is looking for me.  He has an urgent matter to discuss.  It’s already late into the evening, and Patrick realizes something is wrong with this scenario.  Why is his boss sleeping in his car?


How could my entrepreneurial dream have turned into a nightmare where, at 17, I had to take refuge in my trusty Hyundai Pony to spend the nights like a homeless man with a broken life?

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